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Render Shared Flow

This command takes a YAML template representing shared flow and creates a traditional (XML-based) Apigee shared flow bundle.

Under the hood, this command combines the render template and transform yaml-to-sharedflow commands into one

Using a template workflow offers several advantages over working directly with the traditional Apigee API proxy bundle:


The render sharedflow command takes the following parameters:

  -t, --template string          path to main template"
  -i, --include string           path to helper templates (globs allowed)
  -o, --output string            output directory or file
  -d, --dry-run enum(xml|yaml)   prints rendered template to stdout"
  -v, --validate boolean         check for unknown elements
      --set string               sets a key=value (bool,float,string), e.g. "use_ssl=true"
      --set-string string        sets key=value (string), e.g. "base_path=/v1/hello" 
      --values string            sets keys/values from YAML file, e.g. "./values.yaml"
      --set-file string          sets key=value where value is the content of a file, e.g. "my_data=./from/file.txt"
      --set-oas string           sets key=value where value is an OpenAPI spec, e.g. "my_spec=./petstore.yaml"
      --set-grpc string          sets key=value where value is a gRPC proto, e.g. "my_proto=./greeter.proto"
      --set-graphql string       sets key=value where value is a GraphQL schema, e.g. "my_schema=./resorts.graphql"
      --set-json string          sets key=value where value is JSON, e.g. 'servers=["server1","server2"]'